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Mod List 


►Main Mods
RagePluginHook -
ScriptHookV -
ScriptHookVDotNet -
Simple Trainer -

Agency Callouts -
Arrest Manager -
Arrest Warrant Callout -
Assorted Callouts -
Auto Pursuit Backup Disabler -
Breathalyzer -
CalloutsV -
Code 3 Callouts -
Law Callouts -
MoreControlV -
Panic Button -
Police Radio by FinKone -
Secondary Callouts -
Spotlight -
Traffic Control -
Traffic Policer -
Vehicle Search -
Wilderness Callouts -

►Other Mods
Traffic Variety -

►Sound/Visual Mods
ARMA Weapon Sounds -
Crown Victoria Engine Sound -
Emergency Strobes Mod -
Emergency Uniform Pack -
LAPD SS2000 Siren -
LS Ambulance Textures -
Radiance V -
SS2000 Scanner Texture -
VisualV -

►Vehicle Mods
2014 Charger by Carper -
2014 Charger Unmarked -
2015 Charger LSPD -
Coroner Boxville -
Crown Victoria LSPD Pack -
E450 Ambulance -
Ford Taurus -
Sheriff CVPI by Bxbugs123 -
Unmarked CVPI Pack -

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